Category: Uncategorized

  • My Get More Sales Advice Is Simple: Improve Your Writing (part 3 – Stop Waffling Around)

    In this article series we’re covering better writing and how you get your customers to stick to their screen while they consume your marketing. If you haven’t checked out the previous two instalments, they’re here: (1): (2): As everything in life, it’s killable. So do sales, marketing, writing…. But do you know what…

  • My Get More Sales Advice Is Simple: Improve Your Writing (part 2 – The Famous BAR Test)

    In the last article we made sure that your content doesn’t scare off your ideal prospect. If you haven’t checked it out, it’s here: Now, your content suits the role it plays. It’s time we make it actually easy to breeze through for a reader. Once we’ve made them give our stuff a try,…

  • My Get More Sales Advice Is Simple: Improve Your Writing

    All businesses have one desire in common and it’s GET MORE SALES. And I can assure you that good writing is the simplest way to get there. It is the best way to get attention, attract more clients, grow your business, show people you’re a pro at what you do, and beat any and all…

  • Retargeting Will Save Your Business’s Sinking Sales Ship

    Ever wondered why some product and/or Service Provider and/or guru just keeps chasing you? You search for a certain problem you want to solve or a desire state you want to get achieve and before you know it your internet feed gets bombarded for a full day, week, and even month, showing you the same…

  • Warning: Don’t Do This Mistake In Marketing

    There was a time, in a parallel earth, far away, I ran an ad account for an Insurance Broker. It was doing very well. We were spending over $500/day using Google AdWords and the ROAS was +/- 4. Meaning: for every $1 that was put in we were making $4 back! Forget about buying a…

  • The Secret To Achieving Top Of Mind Awareness In Your Market

    There’s an assload of brands and companies that have top of mind awareness. Think of soft drinks and what brand pops directly in your mind? You’ve guessed it! You want to search for something or search for something, what comes on the top of your mind? Most probably we’ve all got the same answer! Think…

  • Secrets To Writing Ads, Reports, Blogposts and Scripts That Sell

    If you’re into business you definitely should have heard about the “Pareto principle”. It’s lame and wrong, because it’s outdated. So you might have not heard about it. Let me put you up with speed on: What does the “Pareto Principle” state. It states that 20% of content online gets 80% of the views. And…

  • Three letters That Will Make You Customer Rich

    Putting Together an RSO – part 2 First things first: If you haven’t checked out this article about Why Mass Marketing Doesn’t Work For Small Business you probably want to start there. It’s worth it, trust me. There is a lot of things you can do to make marketing for your business to pay off,…

  • Why “Randomized Shotgun Marketing” Is An Inevitable Way To Waste Your Ad Budget (And How To Overcome This Problem)

    Spending money on ads can be scary since you can’t know if you’ll make the money back. You only can hope your budget will bring some of his friends back with him. Arguably spending money on ads without knowing if they’ll bring in a single customer is scarier than a prostate exam from a Captain…

  • How To Write An Ad That Will Make You More Money (Part 1)

    Here’s something I discovered after being in marketing for a while. Most ads are useless, they fail every metric. Some are memorable, some are funny, and others are cinematic (whatever that means). Are these ads getting any clients? No… so who cares? This article will exactly show you how to write an ad that gets…

  • Mass Marketing Is Never An Option, This Is What Works.

    Who’s your ideal customer? Who would you call my perfect customer? I won’t accept answers such as: “Everyone” “Anyone who’s willing to pay” “Anyone with a pulse to buy”. There are two major problems with that: It’s wider than the view out of Burj Khalifa’s highest story. It only works if you have the world…

  • Generating Multiple Ad Variation Will Make You Rich

    Have you ever walked into a business and asked “What is old?” No, rarely do people care about old stuff. We always ask “What is new?”, or say “Tell me something I don’t know” Things we know don’t grab our attention they did a long time ago. We like new stuff, we like to discover, …

  • Getting reels to go viral is so ridiculously easy.

    Getting reels to go viral is so ridiculously easy. At some point you’ve all lost yourself swiping random videos on social media. Consuming hours and hours of content and suddenly one video stands out and you stop scrolling to watch it. Here is how you make videos like these🧵 Attention is key. Big companies are…

  • Let’s Make Your Message Step Out of The Marketing Crowd

    We all are bombarded by marketing every single day all the time. We have all sorts of messages popping up in front of us, showing us offers we don’t even care about. This is annoying and we are not interested nor focused on what is to be shown there. Are these businesses even selling? Let’s…

  • Learn This Secret To Generate Leads 20 Times Faster

    Local businesses, you need leads, you need people that want to buy your stuff, your time is barely enough to squeeze in your business’s requirements, so how are you going to do this? You can’t mess around trying some random marketing stuff which barely yields any results, unless you have an unlimited marketing budget, but do…

  • Most Ads Fail Because They Miss This Headline Secret

    Many business owners, marketers and salesmen lose a lot this mistake. They tend to ignore it and blame their prospects, market, content, ad settings and whatever comes to their mind. They never circle down to the heart of the matter, and solve the problem. Every sale revolves around this, it is what get’s you the…

  • Stop One Step Lead Generation Right Now!

    As a local business owner, you are always in need of more customers, you are trying all sorts of marketing, spending all of what you saved, and you are getting nowhere. You want leads, you want people hungry for your service or product, you want people that will buy from you. Well, if that is…

  • 99% Of Humorous Ads Fail, Here Is How You Become Part of The 1%

    Most marketers I’ve interacted with, avoid adding humor to their ads because 99% of humorous ads fail. Why? Because tiny little mistakes can mess it all up, they can ruin your ad, ruin your reach, and can ruin your career in general. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to spot these mistakes,…

  • Your Ads Make Money by Selling, Not by Making Laughs

    Many think that humour will increase their marketing results, and they’re making a huge mistake. We all like humour, it gets our attention, makes us watch a certain video, and focus on a certain subject… . After remarking this in our lives, many entrepreneurs start to focus on incorporating humour in their ads. Believe me…

  • Here Is Why Not Everyone Is Your Customer, And How You Can Benefit From It.

    What is an audience, a bias, audience bias…? Nah, let’s sell everyone and it will be fine! I’ve seen this mistake happen in most local businesses out there, burning massive amounts of their marketing budget. Most probably it’s bugging your business and burning your marketing budget without you noticing it. I’d say you can easily…