Putting Together an RSO – part 2

First things first: If you haven’t checked out this article about Why Mass Marketing Doesn’t Work For Small Business you probably want to start there. It’s worth it, trust me.

There is a lot of things you can do to make marketing for your business to pay off, we can go on and on about this, there is a ton of ways, secrets, guides… .

But we care about things that work and the first thing that comes to my mind is a well put RSO.

A Rock Solid Offer.

Here’s how:

What Makes An Offer A Nono!

Let’s say we run a marketing agency and we need to come up with a good offer to attract clients.

Most business owners will come up with something like:

‘We have the best customer service and prices, call us today’


‘In business since 2004, we’re definitely experts in our field’


‘100+ satisfied customers, you can be the next if you just call us at XXXXXXX’

You can see this everywhere around you, everyone does this but do you even read such headlines?

Here’s the major problem with it:

It’s B-O-R-I-N-G.

Generic. Doesn’t stand out. Doesn’t get your prospect’s blood running hot. Doesn’t even register when your ideal client scans headlines.

How can you be so sure?

Because Everyone can say the exact same thing.

The Number One Thing When Putting Together An RSO

Let’s set this as a ground rule, ‘being boring’ does not mean you have to make your stuff outrageous.

I see this every time I tell someone their ad is boring, they start coming up with crazy stuff.

Lasershows, blinking lights, airhorn noises, confetti, maybe also throw a flamethrower in there for good measure.

That’s definitely not what I mean.

Have you ever on a random Tuesday thought about oil change, is there anything entertaining about it?

What if your car tells you that it’s almost time to get an oil change?

All of the sudden it comes up as the number one thing of interest.

So you now have to start to look for oil changes…what do you see?

‘Oil change hasn’t been cheaper’

‘Changing your oil is essential for your engine to stay in good shape’

‘Protect your engine, change your oil today’

All of that stuff doesn’t cut it. It doesn’t step in to YOUR world. The world of your customer.

And what is a question you ask every time you think about oil change?

How long is this going to take?”

So what will catch your attention, and cut through the advertising clutter other than something like:

‘Book your 15 minute oil change online. Fixed in no-time flat’

That’s a great start for an offer. It’s not an RSO yet, but at least we’re making progress.

You don’t fix ‘the boring problem’ by being outrageous.

You fix ‘the boring problem’ by telling your customers exactly what they want to hear, think the way think. Step in their world, enter the ongoing conversation in their mind.

That’s only one element though. A great RSO usually has three, so we still have two more to go.

We’ll talk about those in the next article in this series.

Simply the finest,


P.S. Want to see a solid RSO example in the meantime?

Get in touch with our agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call. No cost, no obligation. If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.

Sounds good? Then fill out this form: Free Marketing Analysis In Lebanon – BST Marketing

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