If you’re looking to increase your ads effectiveness and get more clients, this article is all you need.

When I first started in marketing it was scary, I didn’t know what to do, it felt like I was in the middle of this huge ocean of never-ending knowledge.

At the time I was working for a local business, small audience, reach, … that gave me a little relief. It felt a little easier.

I did what everyone does. What we’ve been programmed to think is right.

I started going through big and successful companies’ marketing trying to scrape repeated key points of their ads, trying to figure out how they do it.

Well, this got me nowhere. I was wrong…. Luckily!

I am going to show you how easy marketing is if you do the right things.

What is Marketing?

Take a short time and think of what is the point of marketing, why do businesses do it?

The obvious truth and answer are “Inform consumers, engage consumers…”.

Well in my opinion that is not what marketing is done for. Marketing is for getting more sales, that’s the core reason to do it.

While researching big companies’ marketing, it felt totally different than increasing sales. Brand recognition? Mind awareness? Why would they do it when they couldn’t yield any results, nor measure how their ad performed?

Marketing is letting people know you exist, letting them choose you instead of your competitors.

Let’s Fix This…

Marketing your business is easy, I repetitively say easy because it is. Don’t overcomplicate stuff, spend a lot of money on some broad general stuff which won’t yield you any direct results.

Your marketing should let people know you’re there and why they should go to you instead of going to your competitors.

I searched and searched for a formula, simple points to follow to make my marketing successful.

Most of the answers I got were “use professional and complex language so you sound professional”, “Repetition” ….

It comes to my surprise that after a long career, these formulas are making your ads results worth and not perform.

What I learned as the best technique is “sound normal, write as you speak, let them easily reach you”.

Make it easy for them to see why to choose you, project your ideas as are. You know this is you telling them what you do and why you, not some test or bootcamp they need to graduate.

Of course, you have to convince them why they need your business in the first place.

Make it easy!

How To Measure Performance…

…And How To Make It Better

When we do things we investigate their results, trying to measure how they performed.

That is exactly what you must do, test!

See how a certain ad performed, how the audience interacted, who in the audience specifically.

Feedback is kind. Retargeting your ads is what makes it better, it saves you a lot of money.

By doing this you will be able to lower the amount of money spent on your marketing a lot. You’ll start seeing that the money you are putting in is giving you remarkable results.

Now let me rephrase this for you so you will be able to apply it into your business’ marketing.

Get your results, dive into the performance, see which categories in your audience interacted the most. This is the audience you need to target.

Now retarget them and make money.

Measurable, tangible, solid results.

This is just the beginning. There are plenty more ways and things you can do to get even better results. If you want to see your business thriving using marketing, get in touch with us today.

Free Marketing Analysis – BST Marketing

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