Are your ads struggling to trigger perfect customers?
I was making this exact mistake for years, it is a really serious problem. I see it
happen all around me still.
In business once you understand it, you will start getting it.
Passing through this I can say that understanding this and figuring out how to apply it,
in your business, will make it grow lightning fast. Let me show you.
Attention Problem
Picture a busy area, noisy crowd and chaos reining.
And you have a message which you want to deliver to someone.
How would you do this?
You can start looking around, stand on a higher level hoping to spot him.
You can ask everyone that passes by if they have seen him. But with a huge noisy
crowd I doubt you would be able to do this.
The best way to get your message across?
Shout his name.
But how will this make your business grow?
Fixing Bleeding Necks
I ask my clients multiple questions. One of them is:
“Who are the perfect customers for your service?”
I’d say 97% of business owners commit this heinous crime and say
“Everyone! We sell to everyone!”
No, this will get you nowhere.
Your business solves a specific problem that not everyone has. If you are trying to reach everyone this will make your message weak and get it to no one.
When someone has the same problem you solve, their problem needs to be fixed right away. These are your perfect clients.
In marketing we call this “the bleeding neck” problem reaching these people will solve all of your marketing and sales problems. Here is how:
Reaching Your Perfect Client
If you offer a wide variety of car services you could theoretically sell to anyone who has a car.
But there should be a specific service that is the most profitable. Let’s say it’s car mechanics.
Instead of targeting all of the car owners out there, you focus on car owners which have mechanical problems.
The worst way to reach out to those perfect clients is to put up an ad which says:
“We fix cars, we wash cars, we wrap cars, …
If you have a car and you have any problems you need to fix, please call us at XXX”
See how dull and flavorless it is… no one is going to think that this is addressed to them.
What we want them to feel is:
“This is for me, this person understands what are my problems”
So stand out and make your messages direct your perfect customers.
We’ve been doing this for a long time, because marketing is all centred around this.
If you would like to know how we would trigger more customers to contact you, get in touch with us.
Free Marketing Analysis – BST Marketing
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