If you’re into business you definitely should have heard about the “Pareto principle”.

It’s lame and wrong, because it’s outdated. So you might have not heard about it.

Let me put you up with speed on: What does the “Pareto Principle” state.

It states that 20% of content online gets 80% of the views.

And it’s dead wrong.

It’s more like 5% of content gets 95% of views.

Have you ever seen a person on TikTok, reels, shorts… any type of short form content? Swipe, swipe, swipe… forever.

We can deduce that it’s more like 5% of content gets 95% of views.

You know why?

Because most content is BOOOOOOOOOOORING.

Repeat it self. Complete none sense. Dry as the wind in the dessert.

I will show you how to get your content into that epic 5% instead of being in the forgotten 95%.

How To Create Content That Sells

This exclude all (annoying, sleazy, and salesy) methods.

If I had to start writing all over again this is exactly how I will be doing it.

First step is simple. We need to stop writing like a wet noodle. Inject some dynamite in our copy.

Best way to do it?

Write as if you we’re talking with a good friend. Causal and real.

You can see me do it here.

Write as if you’re sitting at a bar, shooting the breeze, talking to another human being.

Shoot short punchy sentences whenever you feel a sentence can go on for longer, like this one, but most will be pithy and quick and to the point.

Break up those endless Tolkien sized paragraphs. Ain’t nobody got time for dat!

We need to make it EASY to read, easy to skim through.

Razor Sharp Hooks That Cut Through The Clutter Into The Reader’s Mind

There’s no alternatives about it, you have to hook your reader and keep building on his attention.

Make him glued, let them feel attracted to your stuff that it’s impossible to turn them down. Read the first sentence and then excited to know what the next has to reveal.

The style to avoid as much as we avoid AIDS.

“We’re really good at what we do and the competition is bad and we’ve been in business for 20 years and we really care about you as a costumer”

This is outrageous or simply weaker than a vegan bodybuilder. That’s what everyone is saying including your competitors. Also predictable and worst than that?



News Flash: “Boring Doesn’t Pay The Bills In ContentLand”

Make It All About Them

Them? The reader, the people who are reading your stuff. Make them the king reader.

Not being rude or trying to hurt your feeling but nobody gives a rat’s behind about us. Everyone cares about themselves.

So if they’ll believe you’ll help them and understand that you are actually willing to help, they ready to hear your story.

So keep it laser focused on how reading your stuff will help THEM out.

Grease That Slide

Last thing I want to cover.

Gary Halbert used to talk about the greased chute principle. Good copy flows from one point to the next. The reader is pulled through it. He can’t stop reading because he needs to know what’s next? What’s next? What’s next?

That means that you omit needless words. You don’t waffle. You make sure that every sentence has a right to be there. Moves the plot forward.

Address possible objections and issues head on.

Remember this quote by the OG of advertising:

“The consumer is not a moron. She’s your wife.”

David Ogilvy

Call out what they’re probably thinking and then defuse it with logic, empathy and cold hard facts. Just be real with people.

I wanted to talk about Call to Actions as well but that really deserves it’s own article. So we’ll cover that in a future installment.

For now – let’s get to WORK!

Simply the finest,


P.S. If you’d like me to help you out with this, or write your stuff, or help you write better stuff… that’s possible!

Get in touch with our agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call.

No cost, no obligation.

If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.

Sounds good? Then fill out this form: Free Marketing Analysis In Lebanon – BST Marketing

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