Many business owners, marketers and salesmen lose a lot this mistake.

They tend to ignore it and blame their prospects, market, content, ad settings and whatever comes to their mind.

They never circle down to the heart of the matter, and solve the problem.

Every sale revolves around this, it is what get’s you the sale.

I can guarantee your sales results will easily double after you stop doing this mistake.

This article will tell you what is this mistake and how to correct it.

Many marketers and business owners tend to fall into this trap and potentially lose a lot of their sales, and reduce their ads efficiency by 80%.

Yes 80%.

They are burning their amrketing budget and ruining their ads reach and interactions with it.

This does not only happen in ads and marketing, I’ve seen this happen in showrooms where salesperson fail to sell because of this.

Their sales are going down and down losing more every time because they are not solving this.

It’s not an easy thing to spot.

Its effect won’t directly be seen, you won’t know there something wrong, you’ll just see your end results be bad.

What Is Going On Here?

What we are talking about is making you fall masively.

You are losing your customers as soon as this happens, buy do you know what the exact damage is?

You are pursuing them as if they are best fit and you are trying to sell them, and it’s inenvetible that they won’t buy.

Loss-Loss situation, you lost money, lost time and lost effort.

We as local business owners cannot afford this, our budget is tight, and our time is even tighter.

We have to solve this, and avoid it at all cost.

We need more leads in, more sales in, and get money in not out of our pockets.

Thinking of this is just hilarious, such small thing can do a whole set of damages. Yes you won’t notice it but this will put an end on all of your sales.

It’s easy to fix let’s see how.

Fueling In The beginning of The Conversation

In marketing and sales it is a crime that only a few select people knows this, any conversation or message revolves only around these two things:

  • The first sentence
  • The last sentence

This is weird, isn’t it?

Well, no!

This is the truth this is what differentiates winners from losers, and this have been going around since the dawn of human time.

This haves more and more impact as our “Attention Economy” is getting bigger and bigger.

How are you going to make someone give you their time and stop what they are doing to hear you if you did not get their attention?

Attention Is 80% of The Sale

How will anything succeed of you lost 80% of its success chance?

So Attention is key in this process, once you got their attention everything will be fine.

What does the first sentence we utter has to do with attention?

It is an ad for your ad and s sale for your sale.

Let’s say you sell chairs for barbers, you cannot say:

“Hey we sell chairs, do you want to try it?”

I can guarantee you that this will instantly make you fail, regardless their need for the product.

How will this grab their attention?

You have to tailor your message to your specific customers, you have to talk the way they talk and tell them what they need to hear.

They are busy, they have a lot of things on their minds, you have to step in and cut their chain of thoughts.

Nail 80% of The Sale

As we said before our headline and the first sentence we say are ads for our ads.

What does that mean?

We have to know our message, know what should be said and to who we should say it.

We have to speak their language.

But how will this grab their attention?

You directly have to let them know what they need about your product, what are their benefits and why they should choose it.

Directly establish their benefit let them know why they should be giving you attention.

Make it easy for them to know, you just have to tell them why?

Once they got this, nothing will stop them from sparring their full attention to you.

Tell the reader what is the copy and body about, how it is going to make them better….

This will easily make you win 80% of the sale, you just to retain a good presentation, offer, and copy.

We have been doing this for a while now, we have helped a lot of businesses to attract more clients and close more sales.

We offer a free marketing analysis for your business here:

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