We all are bombarded by marketing every single day all the time.

We have all sorts of messages popping up in front of us, showing us offers we don’t even care about.

This is annoying and we are not interested nor focused on what is to be shown there.

Are these businesses even selling?

Let’s say you want to market your business, get more clients in….

You don’t want to be one of these annoying businesses that pops up at random and get ignored because their message didn’t cut through this noisy clutter.

In this article we will show you what are the mistakes that makes you fall into this category and how to correct them to get more clients.

Marketing Has Never Been Easier

Marketing has never been easier, in our revolutionized technology and with all the advancements we have, we can pretty much say that it is easier to market business.

Well, in my opinion that’s not the case.

You are advertising to people that can easily swipe away if your message is not of their interest or did not trigger their attention.

It’s so easy to show up in front of people and it is so easy to get swiped away.

It’s a very marketing noisy and crowded environment we live in, it’s sort of forming a clutter around people’s brain, a barrier that if things do not trigger their attention they’ll directly slip away and ignore it.

Why Your Messages Are Not Cutting Through That Clutter

As we previously mentioned that if something does not trigger a person’s attention they’ll directly skip and go on to the next video.

Because they are on these social platforms for a reason maybe they are bored, maybe they have nothing to do, maybe they are looking for something or someone….

So why would they stop and spend time on something that is not of their interests?

The nod here is they can easily swipe away with zero effort skipping you and your ad.

Maybe your ad has what they want, maybe it is exactly what they want or are looking for, but it is hidden away after the first 3 seconds.

Why Does a Headline Cut Through and Make People Stop

A headline is the first sentence that is to be uttered in an ad, it is the first sentence that pops up in front of people, this is what should tell people all of what this marketing message is about.

So, if this is not done correctly, how will people stop and spend time on what you must tell them.

If they see and read this and think “This is not for me, why is this popping up in front of me?” You are getting skipped on and ignored within a blink of an eye.

If you do this part correctly, if you manage to get your marketing a solid headline, you nailed it, you have gotten yourself their attention now they’ll stop and spend time to hear what you have to tell them.

Now you only must build up on this attention make them listen….

Once you got them hooked up, if you know how to build on this attention lure them more get them more attracted. Done! This what marketing is all about.

How To Land a Good Solid Headline

This should be a short brief sentence few words that tell them exactly what you message is all about.

But you know that people only care and want what helps them from a product or service.

They don’t care about what is it they just want to know how this will solve my problem how will this get me where I want to be.

All of what your marketing message is should be about is their problem and how your solution will benefit them and help them in their case.

So, your headline should be a brief version of their problem, its role is to let them know that this message is specifically crafted to help them solve this specific problem they are facing.

Let’s say you are a chiropractor, and you want to market your service that helps with physical pain.

I’ve seen many do this mistake and go on with a headline saying: “We are the best, we can solve this, we are the cheapest.”

No! That’s exactly what you want to avoid at all costs.

Because they don’t care if you are the best, they want to fix their problem.

So, I would suggest a headline like: “Does your back hurt?” or “Does your neck hurt?” or “Do you feel pain in your shoulder when you wake up in the morning”.

That is exactly what will make them stop and say, “Yes this is for me, these guys understand what I feel.”

Now you just have hooked them to your message, you just must build up on this attention.

It’s way easier than it looks like once you start nailing this headline secret.

Hook, build up on that, and you nailed the sale!

We’ve been doing this for a long time now, we helped a lot of clients excel in lead generation and dominate their niche. If this is something you would want to get in touch with us today.

Free Marketing Analysis – BST Marketing

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