Most marketers I’ve interacted with, avoid adding humor to their ads because 99% of humorous ads fail.


Because tiny little mistakes can mess it all up, they can ruin your ad, ruin your reach, and can ruin your career in general.

By the end of this article, you’ll be able to spot these mistakes, correct them and use them to improve your marketing results.

Fun, laughs, and humor have taken a major part in our human existence.

These are the things that grab our attention and hold on to it for a while.

Has it ever happened to you that you’ve tried to make a joke or try to make fun of a certain topic, and you ended up with a negative response from your listeners?

If you answered with a yes, chances are you ruined the whole meeting, gathering, …, and in some cases it might lead you to loss of relation with that unhappy person.

There is more to this topic than bad jokes, we’ll go talk about them in this article.

So, imagine this done in marketing, you run a certain ad that offended a random group of people. Well now with the internet power and that everyone can share anything on it, DISASTERS can happen.

Such as getting yourself into a never-ending scandal about your business on the internet that could potentially lead your business to failure.

So as local business owners we can’t afford people getting negative impressions about us.

With All That Risk, Why Use Humor

Ok…, but why should I incorporate fun and humor in my ads?

Well, if you create the ad with care and you made no mistakes, let’s say it is perfect.

You made it successfully funny, and your ideas travel safely funny to your readers.

They are going to stick longer to the content, you simply gained them!

Because fun will make your readers stick longer into the video, watching more while enjoying the content. And in the end if they are your perfect customers (AKA. the correct intended audience) they will buy your product, service, they will fill out the form ….

That’s What we aim for.

If you have a solid headline, or the first 3 seconds in your video are eye-catching, you got them, you reeled their attention in.

Once in, it’s your job to make them understand your message and acknowledge the problem.

The creative could be a video, image…. is what makes a humorous ad win or lose.

The character in that creative should match the persona perfectly, need to have all of the specifications needed.

Specifications can be looks, items, accessibilities, whereabouts, the list goes on and on….

Everything that topic requires should be owned by the character.

I’ve seen an ad that implements this perfectly.

The Old Spice Ad

This isn’t any ad, it’s not a regular ad, and without knowing who it did I can pretty much say it is perfectly done.

It matches all of the requirements.

What the ad says is ridiculous. They say that all of their competitors have lady scent wash.

That doesn’t really matter because it is funny.

It only is a 30 second ad video, but the guy master’s it perfectly.

He goes into various different locations and transitions from one another smoothly.

He alternates between many different levels of wealth transitioning from various scenarios from better to better.

The reason it works is the guy doing the ad owns the role he is very suited to say this.

You are very dependent on someone who can step in and own the role.

Next time you want to be funny in an ad ask yourself if you can pull something like this off, if you are able to suit the role perfectly.

Be aware that if you answered this question with a yes, you have to do it with extreme care and awareness because it might fall way too easy.

Be careful when you try to come up with such adverts.

Do not forget to sell, because selling is the main part of the ad, if you have mastered the humor part but did not sell anything you will be burning money.

We have done this for a while now and have tried this for many local businesses out there, and we succeeded from top to button.

We offer a free marketing analysis on how to implement this in your business, if you would like us to take a look don’t hesitate to fill out the form.

Free Marketing Analysis – BST Marketing

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